yardie's reggae collection - history of jamaica


After Rodney's victory, the French and Spanish Governments made no further serious attempt to capture Jamaica.
France was soon to have very grave troubles of her own, for in 1789 the French Revolution began, and two years 
later there was a rebellion in Haiti, which was the first step taken towards the independence of that country. 
Spain, conquered by Napoleon after the Revolution, afterwards lost her extensive possessions in South and 
Central America.

Great Britain had also suffered a severe loss in 1776. In that year the American Colonies declared themselves 
independent of the Mother Country. Canada remained attached to Great Britain and many of the American loyalists 
went over to Canada rather than become subjects of the American Republican Government. Some of these Loyalists 
came to Jamaica and some went to the Cayman Islands with their slaves. The agitation against the slave trade, 
and against slavery itself, had already commenced.

In 1772 Lord Mansfield and other learned English judges declared that the moment a slave set his foot in England 
he became a free man. This judgment was the result of the effort of Mr. Granville Sharpe to secure the 
liberation of three Jamaican slaves taken to England.

In 1777 a Mr. Hartley moved a motion in the British House of Commons that "The slave trade was contrary to the 
laws of God and to the rights of man." The motion found no support. Then, in 1789, Mr. Wilberforce moved 
twelve resolutions in the House of Commons, all against the slave trade, and from that time the fight against 
slavery continued until its final abolition in 1838.

In 1783 General Campbell was appointed Governor.

On February 5 of the year, Prince William Henry, afterwards William IV, visited Jamaica. He was the first Royal 
Prince to come to this island.

In 1784 General Alured Clarke became Lieutenant-Governor.

On July 10 and 30 of that year, severe storms occurred. In the following year another storm swept over Jamaica.
This was followed by a drought in 1786, then in October of the same year there was another storm. The result 
of these repeated calamities was awful. It was calculated that, since 1780, fully 15,000 slaves had perished 
from want, caused by the destruction of the provision fields and the plantations. Owing to the separation of 
America from England, there was no trade at that time between Jamaica and America, and so food could not be 
imported from the latter country.

In 1790 the Earl of Effingham arrived as Governor. He was received with festivities. It was then the custom to 
welcome Governors with three days of feasting in Spanish Town and two in Kingston. Nearly ú4,000 was voted by 
the House of Assembly for this purpose, but after the arrival of the Earl of Effingham the Assembly decided 
that this expenditure must cease.

The Earl died within a few months of his arrival in Jamaica.

In 1791 General Williamson became Governor.

The white planters in Haiti, who were opposed to the French Revolution and who objected to their slaves being 
set free, eventually appealed to England for help. France, now a republican country, became involved in war 
with England and other European states. Some of the French Royalists came to Jamaica seeking aid. They offered 
Haiti to the British Crown.

In 1793 a detachment of British troops and black soldiers went from Jamaica to Haiti. Some important Haitian 
cities were taken, but the troops died rapidly from disease.

Lord Balcarres succeeded General Williamson as Governor of Jamaica and the General led another military 
expedition to Haiti. He went as the Governor-General of that island, but did not succeed in taking it. The 
English were eventually defeated and expelled by Toussaint I'Ouverture.

Trouble arose between the Government and the Maroons of Trelawny who complained that they were not being 
properly treated. Two Maroons had been flogged in a Montego Bay workhouse, instead of being handed over to the 
Maroons to be dealt with, as they ought to have been. They also asked for more land, as their numbers had 
increased. The Governor did nothing to make peace. He preferred to fight the Maroons, and so a new Maroon war 
broke out.

About 5,000 troops were employed against the Maroons, and bloodhounds were imported form Cuba to hunt them down.
A reward of 10 pounds was offered for every Maroon captured.

For some months the struggle continued without any clear victory. At last the Maroons surrendered, having been 
promised that they would be allowed to remain in the island. This promise was broken: they were shipped away 
to Nova Scotia in Canada, and from that country they were later sent toSierra Leone, in Africa. Since the 
Maroons in other parts of the island had not been involved in this war, they were left undisturbed. They 
continued to enjoy the rights and privileges they had won during the administration of Governor Edward Trelawny.

In 1798 there was a rising of the slaves in the parish of Trelawny. It was soon suppressed. The colonists were 
also very much alarmed by rumours to the effect that the victorious republicans in Haiti were endeavoring to 
stir up a rebellion among the slaves in Jamaica. Two men from Haiti were arrested on a charge of conspiracy, 
and one was hanged.

The people of Jamaica raised a very large amount of money to assist England in her war with France. The sum is 
said to have been 80,000 pounds.

In 1801 General Nugent arrived as Lieutenant-Governor.

In 1803 Kingston was made a "corporate city", that is, a city with a Mayor, twelve aldermen, and twelve 
councillors. These formed the governing body of the city. In this year also the largest crop of sugar ever 
produced in Jamaica was exported.

In 1804 two hurricanes occurred.

In 1805 Martial Law was proclaimed in Jamaica. England and France were at war, and a French fleet had been 
sent into West Indian waters. This fleet was not intended to capture any of the islands but to destroy as much 
property as it could, and to draw the English fleet away from European waters since Napoleonwas planning to 
invade England. After ravaging Dominica, the French fleet returned to European waters where it was defeated by 
Lord Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar.

In 1806 General Nugent left Jamaica, and Sir Eyre Coote succeeded him as Lieutenant-Governor.

In 1807 the Slave Trade between Africa and Jamaica was abolished by the British Parliament. It was decreed 
that, after March 1, 1808, no more slaves should be brought to the island. Thus the first part of the fight 
against slavery had been won by the abolitionists.

It is estimated that from the time when Jamaica passed into the hands of the English, until the abolition of 
the slave trade, over one million human beings were imported from Africa. When the trade was abolished, there 
were 319,351 slaves in the island.
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